Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

When Rex and I left the foster home our clothes were packed in brown paper grocery bags. Nowadays foster kids use black plastic trash bags. Such is progress.

We were allowed to pick two personal belongings from our childhoods to take with us. Imagine permanently leaving your home with only two possessions. Since I was 7 yrs. old and had no understanding of what was happening to us, it was a miracle I picked the two things that actually meant the most to me. I have never regretted my choices.

The only thing I still have in my possession (my beloved Mrs. Beasley doll was taken from me and given to another child, remember?) is the long-playing record and read-a-long storybook from the Disney movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks. I still remember the day Ralph and Claudia took me to the theater to see my first movie,  B & B.  My love of movies and Flicks Chocolates began that day. 

They don't make them like this anymore. 

I think I had nice handwriting as a child, considering my chicken-scratch writing now. 

The funniest part of the story is their bed being fished out of the lake by a bear. Still makes me laugh. 

I can hardly wait to share this story with my granddaughter Eleanor. My own kids preferred watching the movie, but Eleanor is an old soul and she will get it how cool listening to the story and looking at the pictures is. 

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