Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Happy Day

In Cheyenne Wyoming, early 1990's
I don't remember when this picture was taken. There is nothing written on the back of it or date stamped from the film processing center. It had to be taken in Cheyenne because that is where my brother and I met as adults. I don't recognize the back of what we are sitting on, so it probably wasn't taken at his apartment. I dunno. All I do know is our smiles are genuine. That is such a big deal. I don't have many picture of Rex and I, not more than a handful. Most of them are posed group shots with family members. Those are nice, but they are devoid of the spontaneity of the leaning in that we are both doing in this photo.

This photo is proof of a happy day that I don't recall and I don't care. All that matters is that we had it - one happy moment that I choose to believe lasted all day. Life is fraught with so many ways a happy day can quickly go sideways. I am grateful I have this photo that captured Rex and me and our uncensored affection without any baggage of what happened before or after it was taken.

One happy moment, one happy day. What a wonderful thing.  

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