Friday, March 20, 2015

Good Things Are Happening!

It has been a gratifying week for me. First, this wonderful two part book review of Ezra and Hadassah came out:

Part one:

Part two:

I appreciated both parts of the author's reviews because she dissected the book and commented on so many of the points I wanted to make to the reader. I am thrilled she understood.

Second, my book is currently being reviewed for publication by the US subsidiary of the Oxford University Press. I know it is a long process for them to make a decision and that is completely fine with me. Heck, it is an honor to be considered!

Third, I have been asked to speak at a symposium this summer about foster care. I don't have the official details yet, but unlike my husband (who believes nothing is official until it is official) I believe in celebrating even a whiff of good news. So YAY!

and lastly, I have been reminded how danged good my life has turned out. The above book review talked about my brother and I having resiliency - the ability to bounce back from adversity. I take that as a compliment. I also know that I had whole teams of loving human beings who carried me every step of the way through the rough parts of my life. For them, I am eternally grateful. Just to drive home the point that my brother and I beat ALL the statistics for kids in foster care, here are the most current stats: (warning - they will break your heart.)

We WERE lucky, even if it didn't start out that way. In the end, we found our way out and I am so happy for us.

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