Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Hey! Look Here! It's a Book Giveaway! haven't gotten around to ordering your copy of Ezra and Hadassah. Or you got it as an e-book and really, really wish you had an autographed hard copy to keep forever. Or you hadn't really thought about my book at all because your life has more than enough drama in it and you don't need to go looking for more. No matter what the reason, today is your lucky day to change your fate. Just click on the link below and enter yourself in the book giveaway sponsored by Goodreads, a fabulous site for everyone to read, review and share their favorite books. Now don't be shy, demand your fair share of the best life has to offer:

Your very own, in real paper (squeal!) copy of Ezra and Hadassah: A Portrait of American Royalty.

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