Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Oh My Goodness Gracious!

 Things are sure heating up around here. You know how they say when it rains, it pours? Yep. I think there is something to that.

Since the book Ezra and Hadassah: A Portrait of American Royalty was released mid-January, it has been getting nice, steady attention. Good pacing and all that jazz. I have been able to keep up with the work required around the book on top of my regular job and life responsibilities because I have an extremely understanding family and clients who I have trained to nicely wait their turn.

Things are starting to change, folks. I am going to be speaking at two colleges in the near future and I have invitations to several book clubs who are featuring it. Yay! Yay! Yay! It's all good, I hope the word continues to spread and I get many more opportunities to speak about the topics discussed in the book.

In related news, if you  have a group that would love to have a discussion on the real life topics of :

Foster Care
Adopting Older Children
Mental Illness

Child Abuse
 Strategies for Healing from Abuse
Caregiving for Special Need Children or Adults
Laws/ Advocacy for Children in Court

shoot me an email at and we'll plan a party. I'll bring my dancing shoes if you provide the chocolate.

1 comment:

Marsha Paulsen Peters said...

O My Goodness YES !

Dancing shoes, empathy, gatherings of support and chocolate. Is this Heaven?